So, I finally got to play my violin yesterday. I appreciated my violin very much, after playing on the MTC's, mine sounds like a strad. Anywhays, I played the same song I played for my farewell for the music lady. Thanks so much for bringing it over Dad! I felt like it was a real blessing, because I wasn't going to ask the lady about it, because I knew she would say no, but I felt like I should ask her if it was possible to play on a different violin. I'm not completely decided about taking him to Taiwan yet though. He would probably be tou'd (steal in chinese is tou, first tone), or broken. Danshi, I know that if this is of the Lord, which I think it is probably, then he will protect my violin, and help me not be stupid and set it down somewhere or something. He'll provide a way. So I haven't quite made that decision yet, but that's so great that president Hoer would allow it! It really can bring the spirit so fast. Nobody in my district understands, they say, "why would you bring your violin? that's retarded." Oh well.
As for me, I'm doing well. I'm enjoying myself. I am scared that I might be going along for the ride and not working as hard as I can to prepare sometimes. So I'll try harder I guess. I also have had a nasty cough for the past three weeks, and a runny nose, liu bi shui (literally: flow nose water) off and on. It's hard to eat healthy here. I've started getting fat. those pants we bought two sizes too big are getting pretty comfortable. Haha, I actually haven't gotter very much bigger. I just don't look as healthy. I run a mile every day in gym and then go play volleyball or basketball. But this wednesday the field opens so that should be fun!
It seems really weird that BYU is just right next to me sometimes, thinking about all the times I walked up to the temple from heritage, or drove home from college in Subart, or ran up to Grandpa and Grandma's house to say hi to them. That was really fun. Oh, I snatched up a nice Tagolog dictionary that we could give as a present to Leeeeeta that a missionary left. I am in the dorms with a whole bunch of Tagolog Elders. Cumusta! Ma buti! Salama! That's all I know. So I'll try to send that sometime.
The BYU men's chorus came and sang a musical fireside last night, it was really amazing. They sounded great.
Well, thanks for all your letters. The most recent one I got was from J-Bop. Please don't send anything sugary. Or any food at all, except fruit. maybe green drink.... :). You have no idea how much garbage food every other missionary has that I can eat if I want. haha, I also got the wedding announcement and pinned it up. I thought it was real good-looking and Julia looked real pretty. That's real exciting that little bump is gonna get hitched.
Hi Parley! wheet. I sent you some fatty pictures I hope you got them.
I love you all, (haha we watched legacy last night, but they didn't have enough time, so it was played at about 1.3 speed I think. It made me laugh. but it also made me homesick because I love quoting legacy with my family. Rrrravenous WOLVES!)
Zai Jian! Wei Zhanglao
p.s. I am able to listen to conference because I go onto So, I can listen to the music over and over and it's great. Thank you!
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